The Nantucket Anglers’ Club was conceived in 1968, and was born in April of 1969. The founding
members generally agreed that a membership of 75 would be their aim, but the social structure of the
Club was not easy to resolve; some desired a coat and tie type of Club while others wanted a family
oriented, more casual type of atmosphere. The people in the waders and deck shoes prevailed and
today the Club remains a casual, family oriented Anglers’ Club of 550 active and 49 honorary members
and their families. Memberships are for individuals only, and only members can vote and/or hold office,
but all other aspects of the Club are open to spouses/in-situs and their children while in school or in the
military, giving us an effective “membership” of about 2000 individuals. These “members” may
participate in our many tournaments, attend lunch or dinners, or just stop by for a cup of coffee during
the 361 days a year that the Club is open (closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Day and Easter).